NP (Standard, 3 to 5 years designed life) type battery Reliable discharging performance and safety. Commonly used in electric appliances, UPS, and emergency lights. Meets IATA A67 and IMDG 238 standards.
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NPW Type
NPW (Watts/10-min, 3 to 5 years designed life) type battery Reliable watts discharging performance and safety. High-energy, high-performance, commonly used in UPS and high-power precision machines. Meets IATA A67 and IMDG 238 standards.
NPH (High-Rated, 3 to 5 years designed life) type battery Superior high rate discharging performance and safety. High-energy, high-performance, commonly used in UPS and high-power precision machines. Meets IATA A67 and IMDG 238 standards.
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Procuring education on consulted assurance in do.
Northward by described up household therefore attention.
Excellence decisively nay man yet impression for contrasted remarkably.
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REC Type
REC (Cyclic charging) type battery Superior cyclic charging performance, long life and safety. New generation designed for electric bikes. Ultra deep cycle and long lifespan. Meets IATA A67 and IMDG 238 standards.
REW (High-rate & long-life, 5 to 7 years designed life) type battery Superior high-rate watts discharging performance, long life and safety. High-energy, high-performance, commonly used in UPS and high-power precision machines. Longer lifespan than NPW type. Meets IATA A67 and IMDG 238 standards.
High-rated, ultra-duty, and ultra-safe FXH (Standard with front terminals) type battery Widely used in base stations and UPS. Front terminals make easy for connecting and installing batteries. High-tech formula makes longer life. Meets IATA A67 and IMDG 238 standard
High-rated, ultra-duty, and ultra-safe UXH (Long life standard) type battery Widely used in base stations and UPS. High-tech formula makes longer life. Meets IATA A67 and IMDG 238 standard
FXC (Cyclic and Energy Storage) type battery Superior discharging performance, long life and safety. New generation designed for sustainable energy system storage. High-tech formula makes superior cyclic discharging performance. Meets IATA A67 and IMDG 238 standards.